Swim Serpentine

Join #TeamMND for a one mile swim around London's world famous Serpentine lake


14 September 2024


1 mile


London, UK

Wheelchair accessible

Thank you to everyone that took part in the 2024 event! Please check back for information about 2025.

A classic distance in the world of open-water swimming events, the one-mile swim covers one full lap (1.6K) of the Serpentine. Whether you are an experienced swimmer or a beginner, this is a great distance for you! Swimmers typically take anywhere from 20 minutes to one hour to complete the lap.

Join #TeamMND

There are two ways you can join #TeamMND. Register for one of our charity places or join the team with your own place that you've purchased through the event organisers.

The 2024 event has now passed, please check back for information about 2025.
Registration fee (non-refundable): £20

Register for a charity place


Minimum sponsorship target: £250

Join with your own place

You have already paid for your place

Raise as much as you can!

When you join #TeamMND, you'll receive:

  • A free #TeamMND tshirt
  • A fundraising pack with everything you need to get started
  • Regular emails with support, updates and fundraising tips
  • Access to our Training Hub App to help you get race day ready
  • A feeling of awesomeness knowing you've helped in the fight against MND 
Two women holding up their Great North Swim medals and smilling

Get Inspired

The difference you could make

"The support from #TeamMND was like no other. Knowing that the money I raised will make a big differerence really gave me the motivation i needed." 

#TeamMND fundraiser 

Fundraising Tips

Start Line Countdown

A swimmer walking out of Lake Windermere and smiling


I have a disability, can I take part?

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Swim Serpentine have a number of measures in place to make it as accesible as possible. Please see more information here.

Please contact our Fundraising Team on 01604 611860 or email fundraising@mndassociation.org for further information about how you can register. 

I have a question about joining #TeamMND, who do I contact?

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If you have any questions about this event, or would like more information, please contact the Fundraising Team.

I want to join #TeamMND but I would prefer to swim a different distance, how can i take part?

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We only have charity places available in the one mile event. However, if you are able to secure your place directly with the event organisers, we'd love you to join our team with your own place. 

Please click the button that says 'I have my own place' once you've secured your spot.

I have purchased my own place in the swim, can I still join #TeamMND?

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Yes you can join #TeamMND with your own place, for any of the distances! Please click the button above which says 'I have my own place' and fill in the form.

Where can I find more information about the event?

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You can keep up to date with event information on the event organisers website

Can I take part if i'm under 18?

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You must be 16 years or over on the day of the event to enter the one mile swim.

Age requirements for the other distances can be found here.

I'm no longer able to take part in the event, what shall I do?

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Please get in touch with our Fundraising Team on 01604 611860 or email fundraising@mndassociation.org to discuss your options.

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